Our latest FTC which includes another 10 scenarios, although none as short as in FTC 6. As you can see below, most of them center on late war action on the Western Front :)


 Editor’s Foreword
 10 scenarios
 Lionel’s interview


ID Name Nations Date
LFT170 The Road to Juniville French - German 1940-06-10
LFT171 Getting your bell rung German - British 1944-06-21
LFT172 Clearing the LZ German - American 1944-09-18
LFT173 A misstep in Lorraine American - German 1944-09-20
LFT174 Green berets German - Free French 1944-11-01
LFT175 Dover bunker German - British 1944-11-02
LFT176 Inter-Allied attack German - British 1944-11-03
LFT177 Bloodier than D-Day German - Free French & British 1944-11-07
LFT178 Niederburg farmhouse German - American 1944-12-18
LFT179 Landstorm over Arnhem } British - German 1945-04-14


FT 174 set up

(16.8 kio)

The corrected version of Betes Verts, VASL set up

FTC 7 VASL set ups

(146.1 kio)

All the FTC 7 scenarios VASL files are here ! Enjoy...


Our apologies... "A Belgian Hero" has been replaced with "Dover Bunker" so don’t be surprised when reading Lionel’s interview included within. This scenario will be published a bit later :)

An errata also for the British set up instructions in this scenario. They should read as follows :

"Setup South/West GG21-GG25-II24-NN24- NN29"

LFT172 : Clearing the LZ
Add a US 1/2 turn to scenario length.

LFT174 : Green berets
in the VC, add :
 The Britishs earn 1 VP for each Good order squad equivalent (FRD) North of the road 20 Y1 - 20 Y10 at game end.

Add 1 x 236 hs and 2 x ? to German group A


ABS for all the FTC 7 scenarios :

FT 172 Clearing the LZ

Ge 3 : Ge 2 + add an US half turn
Ge 2 : Exchange the German 9-1 for a 8-0
Ge 1 : add a mmg to the turn 3 reinforcemetn

US 1 : The US may not boresight + add a 237 hs
US 2 : US 1 + add a 447 to the German forces
US 3 : US 2 + delete a 747 from the turn 5 US reinforcements

FT 190 The land of fire

Ru 3 : Ru 2 + Russian suffers from Ammo shortage starting with turn 3
Ru 2 : Increase Game length to 7,5 + Ru 1
Ru 1 : Replace on Stug IIIG by a Stug H 42 + add a 347 to the turn 1 group

Ro 1 : Add 6 AP mines and 3 foxholes to the at start Russian forces (setup at > 4 hexes from the south or west edge)
Ro 2 : Ro 1 + Replace the offboard observer (SSR) by a German 8-0 + radio that enter on turn 1
Ro 3 : Ro 2 + the Russian receives air support in the form of a DB42 plane. It is recalled after two turns on the map.

FT 195 Repair shop at Dangeul Castle

US 3 : US 2 + Add a Pz IV J to the at start German OB
US 2 : US 1 + The Germans AFV are considered elite
US 1 : add a 447 to the German OB

Ge 1 : Delete half hexes in the German setup instruction and add a 346 hs to the turn 1 troops
Ge 2 : Ge 1 + replace the 9-2 AL by a 8-1 in the German OB
Ge 3 : Add a sherman to the turn 2 US OB+ Ge 2

FT 175 Dover Bunker

Ge 1 : Add a heros and a DC to the allied OB
Ge 2 : Ge 1 + German ELR is 2
Ge 3 : Ge 2 + Add an allied FB44 with rockets that enters automatically on turn 4

FF 1 : Add a 467 to the German OB
FF 2 : FF1 + add a 237 hs to the german OB + a second fortified location that can be put in any building
FF3 : FF2 + PP18 AA gun and trench may be freely deployed within one hex of OO19

FT 174 Green Berets
Errata : Add a 236 hs and 2 ? to the group A germans
Ge 1 : German ELR is 1 during turns 1-3
Ge 2 : Ge1 + add a 338 to the at start Allied OB
Ge 3 : Ge2 + Delete a 467 from the German turn 5 reinforcements

FF 1 : Exchange one 436 for one 467 in the at start German OB
FF 2 : FF1 + delete a 338 + DC in the iniital on-map British OB
FF3 : FF2 + The German may hip one squad equivalent

FT 176 Inter allied attack

Ge 1 : Replace a 9-1 by a 9-2 in the allied OB
Ge 2 : Ge 1 + add a 338 and a MMG in the allied OB
Ge 3 : Ge 2 + add a sherman IIIa in the allied OB

FF 1 : Replace two 436 by 447 and add a 236 hs to the German forces
FF 2 : FF1 + remove the heros +DC from the allied OB
FF3 : FF2 + remove first sentence of SSR6

FT 177 Bloodier than D Day

Ge 1 : Add a 338 to the at start allied ob
Ge 2 : Ge 1 + remove a 436 from the at start german OB
Ge 3 : Ge 2 + add a turn to the game

FF 1 : German ELR is 2
FF 2 : FF1 + add a 447 to the at start German OB
FF3 : FF2 + BH two units of the turn 4 German units

FT 170 The road to Juniville

Ge 2 : Ge 1 + add a 458 + motorcycle to the French Group B
Ge 2 : Ge1 + Add a R35 to the initial allied OB
G3 : G2 + Exchange the SPW 251/1 for a motorcycle counter.

F1 : Exchange three 4-6-7 squads with 4-6-8 squads in the German OB.
F2 : F1 + Delete a R35 from the French OB.
F3 : F2 + Exchange the 8-1 AL for a 10-2 AL in the turn 1 troops