The size of this product is bigger than Blood and Jungle or Crucible of Steel. This was under development for years, and all 45 of the scenarios were very thoroughly playtested.
Poland in Flames includes the following :
45 Action-Packed Scenarios in full color print
840 Full color, die cut 1/2" counters
440 Full color, die cut 5/8" counters
Four 8"x22" geomorphic boards (BFP O, P, Q, R) printed on heavy card stock
Two 16"x22" doublewide geomorphic boards (DW-5, DW-6) printed on heavy card stock
Articles covering Guns, Fires, and much more
Rules for Ground Attack Aircraft, Multiple Bomb Load Bombers, Multi-Material Buildings, and more
Rules pages describing new Vehicles/Ordnance notes, period Aircraft, and new Infantry units