« gliders were having to land in the streets under heavy fire »
This is the sentence that led Andy to Cholm and after several years of research and development, the LFT crew is happy to present our next historical module. For more information and / or feedback on this unique module, you may want to check this thread on Gamesquads Forum : http://forums.gamesquad.com/showthr... or yet this blog, much more detailed and complete :http://flashofsteel.com/index.php/2011/12/19/countermix/#more-3574
A small teaser on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j20C1dtJkuQ

– Rules booklet
– Historical background booklet
– 15 scenarios
– 2 campaign games
– 1 x A4 overlay
– 3 x A4 players aid sheets
– 2 x A5 small player aid sheets
– 2 x A1 maps «Winter look»
– 2 x A1 maps «Summer look»
– One countersheet with 130 x 1/2" counters and 88 x 5/8" counters.
«Kampfgruppe Scherer: the Shield of Cholm» includes fifteen brand new scenarios.
ID | Name | Turns | Date | Map |
KGS 1 | Slayed | 6.5 | 01-18-1942 | winter |
KGS 2 | Their Fate Sealed? | 13 | 01-23-1942 | winter |
KGS 3 | Reclamation | 7.5 | 01-27-1942 | winter |
KGS 4 | From Matilda with Love | 7 | 02-14-1942 | winter |
KGS 5 | Red Army Day | 7 | 02-23-1942 | winter |
KGS 6 | Biecker´s Bastion | 4.5 | 03-10-1942 | winter |
KGS 7 | Contested Canisters | 6 | 03-11-1942 | winter |
KGS 8 | The Battle in the Tunnel and Organ Gully | 5 | 03-25-1942 | winter |
KGS 9 | Lost in a day | 7.5 | 04-10-1942 | summer |
KGS 10 | Red Ruin Roulette | 5 | 05-01-1942 | summer |
KGS 11 | Knock! Knock! | 5 | 05-01-1942 | summer |
KGS 12 | May Day / East side | 8 | 05-01-1942 | summer |
KGS 13 | May Day / West side | 7 | 05-01-1942 | summer |
KGS 14 | Regained in a Day | 9 | 05-01-1942 | summer |
KGS 15 | Fighting Over the Dead | 6 | 06-08/09-1942 | summer |
Campaign Games
Two campaign games are also included in «Kampfgruppe Scherer: the Shield of Cholm».
ID | Name | Turns | Date | Map |
KGS CG 1 | Red Army Day | 4 days | 02-23-1942 | winter |
KGS CG 2 | Five days in May | 5 days | 05-01-1942 | summer |
Kampfgruppe Scherer comes with two maps, a winter map depicting the first months of the siege and a summer map with much destruction on the city. No need to put dozens of debris counters on the map...

Simply remove the zip extension and rename it with mdx.
Thanks to Txema (and Pete, aka "General Mayhem") :)
Two views of the same area, near the airstrip.
Shipping info
(252.9 KiB)
Player aid (low res) for playing KGS CG
(1.7 MiB)
VASL KGS charts & player aid
(433.3 KiB)
VASL Summer map for KGS
(1.8 MiB)
VASL Winter map for KGS
(2.4 MiB)
(2.4 MiB)
– KGS CG21.1 This rule, which is found below KGS CG22, belongs above the latter rule reference.
– KGS.24. The reference should be to II57/JJ57 not CC43-44.
– Fair-Weather roads would be Q45-Q58, HH56 - LL58, T12 and all of its branches up to Q7, T8, S9, U10; AA3-Z0, HH3-HH0, QQ5-TT3.
– Also, some of those road hexes have both fair-weather and normal road depictions ex: AA3, HH3. These are Fair-Weather Roads.
– KGS4.51. Clarification: any prisoners of Russian units which rout off map share the fate of their guards.
– KGS4.82. In the second EX, delete the reference to Block 36, replace with Block 39.
Counters: None at this time
Maps/Overlay: None at this time
Player Aides:
– The blow up of the GPU on the back of KGS 15, building KK37 should have small (not large) center dot.
– KGS 2: The Russian Offboard Observer is at level 1. Also note KGS 4.2. For the purposes of concealment, the Germans set up as if the Russians are entering from offboard.
– KGS 8: Top set of German forces, in the set up instructions it should read «on/west of hexrow HH and IN/North of the gully»
– KGS9: In SSR 1 delete the sentence regarding wooden rubble placement.
– KGS 12: In the first Russian OB listing the set up should read "....perimeter....II18-II33-OO33-OO37-TT37-TT18-II18 [EXC: set up in JJ33 is NA]."
– KGS 12 : In SSR 1. Change "CG19" to read "CG5".
– KGS13, German card, in the FB and Glider Group have it read ".....(see SSRs 1 & 5):"
– KGS 14: German OB in the [EXC: clause] it should read > = 15, not 15.
– KGS 15: In the Russian set up instructions after «indicated» add « along the east edge. » Thanks to John Stadick for this one...